Sound Test Podcast

Can You Separate the Art from the Artist? - Sound Test Podcast #25

Bryan McCall II Episode 25

Welcome to the Sound Test Podcast! Join Bryan, Clayton, DeYante and our special guest Channy from  @codeswitchinnaturally521 as we have a discussion on "Can You Separate The Art From The Artist?" as we discuss Justin Roiland, Ezra Miller and J.K. Rowling and the media they have created or have influenced in the current media climate.

Time Codes:
Introduction: 00:00:00
Justin Roiland - High On Life/Rick & Morty – 0:07:57
Ezra Miller - The Flash - 0:20:50
J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter/Hogwarts Legacy - 0:34:18
Conclusion - 1:08:33

Check out Channy and support her Youtube channel at!